"I had to create an equivalent for what I felt about what I was looking at - not copy it." Georgia O' Keefe
This puts into words so well what I feel about creating art. For me it is about capturing the essence, the heart of what I see. I do not want to merely capture what is seen in a moment, in a moment it has past and changed. I don't only want to capture what I see because I don't only see the world, I experience it with the fullness of all of my senses! So the question for me is not how to paint the wisteria that I saw on my morning walk, but how do I capture on my canvas or paper the delicate beauty of the clusters of pinky purply flowers as they gently move in the breeze. How do I capture the spring light everchanging as the clouds pass over head and the shadows from the leaves move to the sound of the breeze? How do I capture the sounds and smells of a spring morning? How do I capture the magnificence of roses in full bloom in the summer?

These questions, for me, hold a lifetime journey of wonder and joy as I explore and respond in my creating.

"If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden." Francis Hodgson Nichols.