Colours of the earth come together alla prima on the canvas, inspired by the complexity and depths of our planet, mostly hidden from the naked eye. Fascinated by the rich layers that make up the fabric of our lives, this painting is an exploration into and an expression of these beautiful layers. The paint itself formed part of the story as it was allowed to blend, to touch and in some places to wander almost freely across the canvas with the pull of gravity as it moved to settle in its own way.

Colours of the earth come together alla prima on the canvas, inspired by the complexity and depths of our planet, mostly hidden from the naked eye. Fascinated by the rich layers that make up the fabric of our lives, this painting is an exploration into and an expression of these beautiful layers. The paint itself formed part of the story as it was allowed to blend, to touch and in some places to wander almost freely across the canvas with the pull of gravity as it moved to settle in its own way.

Inspired by the layers of life and colour in our oceans, this painting explores the hidden depths, the essence, the beauty, the changing light, the enormity and power of the heaving, moving mass of water, the coral, the sand, the rocks, the colours, the life and drama of the sea life below. It is created full of energetic and bold layers of colour, full of movement and life.

Inspired by life, who we are and finding our authentic voice, this painting explores the journey of uncovering and understanding the gap. There are many layers of beautiful earthy colours applied boldly and energetically as well as strong contrasts in tone and colour to highlight the tensions, vibrancy, richness and movement of life.

A lively painting created using energetic brushstrokes and layers of paint applied boldly with a palette knife and sometimes scraped away to reveal colours and layers below. This is a celebration of the journey of life, the constant movement in and around us and the joy of being. This was created from the heart with a limited colour pallet.

Inspired by colours from our natural world, earth, ocean and sky. This painting was created with a limited palette, using many layers of paint boldly applied and taken away to allow hints of what lies underneath to show through, there is a depth to discover. This painting is full of texture that delights the eye and leaves one wanting to reach out and touch the layers of paint!

This large, vibrant, dynamic painting is full of colour, energy and life. The flow, balance and spontaneous energy in the painting came together effortlessly in the studio, painted mostly a la prima in one sitting. This painting would make a powerful statement and bring light and life to any space. In addition, “Now sings my soul” has been enjoyed and exhibited in Barcelona, Spain and Coullioure, France and is now available from my studio in Somerset West.

A painting full of layers of colour and movement, created alla prima, the paint was applied boldly and spontaneously, an exploration and a celebration of life.

Inspired by the complexity of our lives, each one of us made up of layers of who we are, what we have experienced, our past, our present and our future, our hopes and our dreams. This painting, made up of many layers allows the vibrant colours underneath to break through the layers of grey, hinting at the life, warmth and hope that lies underneath. This is a large painting full of energy, life and colour.

Inspired by the wonder of colour and life! This is a vibrant painting with warm colours in the middle exploding through the darker contrasting layers, a celebration that is full of joy and hope.

Inspired by the expectation, the hope, the changing light and colours, the sounds and the richness of the waking dawn. This painting conveys an undeniable sense of joy, hope and celebration that can brighten a mood, speak to the heart and make an impact in any environmental space. A large canvas created full of dynamic layers of colour, energy and life.

Inspired by the notion of perspectives and windows that frame our view. This painting is full of surprises and colour, the lightness and brightness of the colour combinations and the teasing glints of what lies underneath are enough to make sure that it is a painting that will always deliver, there is always more to discover.

Alive with colour and thick, juicy paint flowing together, this was painted alla prima at the same time as Grace ll. These treasures vibrate with fresh life and the wonderful texture leaves you wanting to reach out and touch the colours.

Alive with colour and thick, juicy paint flowing together, this was painted alla prima at the same time as Grace l. These treasures vibrate with fresh life and the wonderful texture leaves you wanting to reach out and touch the colours.

Exploring our vast African landscapes. Inspired by the abundant life of our bushveld and telling tales in layers of colour and texture.

This painting is full of vibrant layers of colour built up and taken away to create texture and movement and to allow glimpses of what lies below to come through. It is an exploration, an expression and a celebration of the richness of the layers that make up our reality and the fabric of our lives.

Vibrant layers of colour and the bold and energetic application of paint makes this painting sing with movement and life. An exploration, an expression and a celebration of the richness of the layers that make up our reality and the fabric of our lives. A painting from the heart.