Fynbos and Fire

My new body of work is inspired by the beautiful fynbos of the Western Cape. Each painting is a visual exploration of my response to the exquisite details, the textures and unexpected bursts of colour found all around me as I have hiked our mountains. The blackened remnants of past fires a stark reminder of the extreme hardiness and resilience hidden in the delicate beauty of nature. Plants that are able not only to withstand but to regenerate new life through the fire, a celebration of abundance and life. Each painting is made up of many layers of colour, texture and marks using a variety of mediums including, oil paint, acrylic paint, charcoal, oil sticks, acrylic ink and ink intense pencils. Each painting reveals my own personal response to the world around me and at the same time invites, you, the viewer to look, to absorb and to respond to what you see in your own unique and individual way.